Rhonda Gross
D.O.G. Week 15
November 03, 2016

D.O.G. Week 15

1. Which lake does the equator pass through: Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi, Lake Chad? Lake Victoria

2. What is the city, located on the Congaree River, that is the capital of South Carolina? Columbia

3.Which hemisphere has more land, the Eastern or Western?Eastern 

4. You leave the Mimi port in your yacht to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico. In what direction should you be heading? Southeast

5. What is the only Central American country that doesn't  touch the Pacific Ocean? Belize

6. Which country would generally have higher temperatures year round, Laos or Switzerland. Why? Laos, because it is closer to the equator. 

7. What is the capital of New Jersey?  Trenton

8. What countries border Iraq? Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait





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