Rhonda Gross
D.O.G. Week 6
August 31, 2015

D.O.G Week 6

1. Which is larger in land area, China or Russia? Russia

2. What natural feature forms Arkansas' eastern border? Mississippi River

3. What is the city. located on the Hudson River, that is the capital of the state of New York? Albany

4. What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres? equator

5. Which state would have a warmer climate, Montana or Florida? Why?Florida

6. What two oceans touch the continent of Europe? Atlantic, Arctic

7. Look at a map and find an island. Now write a definition of an island. A body of land completely surrounded by water.

8. The following are four of the largest countries in the world: Russia, Canada, China, United States. What country, located in South America, also ranks as one of the ten largest? Brazil

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