Rhonda Gross
D.O.G. Week 12
October 21, 2016

D.O.G. Week 12

1. Which hemisphere is larger, the Eastern or Western? both are the same.

2. What country would you have to travel through when driving from Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska? Canada

3. Which is farther north, North Carolina or South Dakota? South Dakota

4. Name the gulf between the countries of Sweden and Finland. Gulf of Bothnia 

5. Whose border is closer to the pacific ocean, Nevada or Idaho? Nevada

6.What four large islands make up the Greater Antilles in the west Indies? Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic

7. Which of the forty-eight contiguous states has the largest land area?  Texas

8. What is the name of the large mountain range in South America? Andes




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