Rhonda Gross
D.O.G week 21
January 17, 2017

D.O.G Week 21

1. What country in South America has the most land area? Brazil

2.What countries border Guatemala? El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Mexico

3. Is the distance greater from Memphis to Chicago or from Albuquerque to Billings? Albuquerque to Billings

4. What are the four countries with the largest land areas in the Western Hemisphere? 1. Canada 2. USA 3. Brazil 4. Argentina

5. Which city is farthest north: Atlanta, Phoenix, or San Diego?Atlanta 

6. Is the Continental Divide in the eastern or western part of the United States? Western 

7.The equator runs very close to what major river in South America? Amazon

8. What two states are not part of the continuous United States? Alaska, Hawaii


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