Rhonda Gross
D.O.G. Week17

D.O.G. Week 17

1.What South American country has the largest land area?Brazil

2. Name three states with a panhandle.Florida,

Oklahoma,Texas, Alaska, Idaho, West Virginia

3. Which is larger, the Mediterranean or the North Sea? Mediterranean

4. What state is bordered by only one other state? Maine

5. What sea surrounds Jamaica?Caribbean

6. What states border Illinois?Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana

7. What is the capital of Michigan? Lansing

8.  If you traveled northeast from Arkansas, would you pass through Colorado, Iowa, or Kentucky?Kentucky 



5 & 6 Voc. Test

Test will be the first day back in class.

1. escalator- moving staircase, moving stairway. a continuously moving stairway on an endless loop for carrying passengers up or down.

2. bravery- brave  spirit or conduct; courage; valor.

3. millimeter- a unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter and equivalent to 0.03937 inch.

4. equality- the state or quality of being equal;  correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.

5. vitamin- any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism, found in minute amounts in natural foodstuffs or sometimes produced synthetically: deficiencies of vitamins produce specific disorders.

6. private- confined to or intended only for the persons immediately concerned; confidential

7. control- to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command.

8. educational- instruct, or inform

9. numerical- of or pertaining to numbers;  of the nature of a number

10. vehicle- any means in or by which someone travels or something is carried

or conveyed; a means of conveyance or transport

11. courageous- possessing or characterized by courage;  brave

12. congratulations- an expression of joy in the success or good fortune of


13. abbreviation- a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr.  for Doctor, U.S.  for United States

14. cathedral- the principal church of a diocese, containing the bishop's throne.

15. microscope- an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye.

16. opponent- a person who is on an opposing  side in a game, contest, controversy, or the like; adversary.

17. commotion- violent or tumultuous motion; agitation; noisy disturbance.

18. supervisor- a person who looks over  workers or the work done by others; superintendent.

19. dynamite- a high explosive, originally consisting of nitroglycerin mixed with an absorbent substance, now with ammonium nitrate usually replacing the nitroglycerin.

20. vacuum- a space entirely devoid of matter.


Thursday: Write a  sentence with each word.

Friday : Study

Monday: Write a sentence with each word.

Tuesday : Write a paragraph with 10 words.




D.O.G.Week 16

D.O.G.Week 16

1.Hispaniola is an island in the West Indies that contains 2 separate countries. Name those two countries. Haiti, Dominican Republic

2. If you were visiting Arizona, would you most likely see a cape, a desert, or an icecap?desert 

3. Is the source of the Mississippi River the Gulf of Mexico or a lake in Northern Minnesota?lake in Northern Minnesota

4.If you travel from Amarillo, Texas, to El Paso, Texas, in what direction would you have gone? Southwest

5. Of the four oceans, which is the smallest? Arctic

6.What is the name of a large city in southwest Tennessee?Memphis

7. What is the capital of West Virginia? Charleston

8. Which continent is almost entirely in the Northern and Western Hemispheres? North America



DOG Week 14

D.O.G. Week 15

1. Does the tropic of Cancer pass through any South American countries? NO

2. Name the strait in the southern part of South America? Strait of Magellan

3. Name two peninsulas found in Mexico. Baja California, Yucatan

4. Name the island nation southeast of India. Sri Lanka

5. Is the Tropic of Capricorn in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere? Southern Hemisphere

6. Which country, located to the southeast of Australia, is made up mainly of two islands? New Zealand

7. What is the definition of hemisphere? one of the 4 halves into which the Earth may be divided

8. Name the countries in Africa through which the equator passes. Gabon, Congo, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Sao Tome


D.O.G. Week 14

D.O.G. Week 14

1. How many countries are in Central America?7

2. Is Australia a continent or an island? both

3. Sacramento is the capital of which state? California

4. Which ocean is off the east coast of the United States? Atlantic

5. What large mountain range is found north of India? Himalayas

6. Through which hemispheres does the Tropic of Cancer pass? Northern, Western, Eastern

7. Where is the mouth of the Nile River located? Near Cairo, Egypt

8.If you traveled from the capital of Arizona to the capital of California, in what direction would you have gone? Northwest


Christmas Parties


                                                          December 2, 2014


Dear Parents,

This year the 4th- 8th grades will be exchanging gifts at Christmas. All students that would like to exchange gifts will need to bring in a $10 wrapped gift. Girls will need to buy a gift suitable for a girl. Boys will need to buy a suitable gift for a boy. We will draw numbers for these gifts. If your child plans to participate please have the wrapped gift in by December 15th. The classroom parties will be at 12PM on December 19th.Merry Christmas!

Thank you, 

Reading Word List

Reading Word List

1. analyze

2. describe

3. explain

4. evaluate

5. formulate

6. infer

7. support

8. trace

9. summarize

10. compare

11. contrast

12. predict


Monday =No Homework

Tuesday= Look up definitions

Wed. = Write a sentence with each word

Thursday=Write words 10 times each/ study

Friday= Test




1. What is the only state that touches four of the five Great Lakes? Michigan

2. the largest island in the world? Greenland 

3. What is the name of the large sea off the western coast of Alaska? Bering

4. What is the capital of Rhode Island? Providence

5. Which gulf is off the southern coast of the United States? Gulf of Mexico

6. To which continent does Israel belong?


7. What body of water borders Turkey, Greece, and Italy? Mediterranean Sea

8. Which country has warmest climate year, Switzerland or Sudan? Why? Sudan, closer to the equator

Thanksgiving Dinner

We will dress in traditional holiday attire for the Thanksgiving meal on the 19th.  Students who wish to dress as a pilgrim or a Native American on that may do so.  We encourage everyone to take part!

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