Rhonda Gross

D.O.G. Week 7

1.Which is larger in land area, California or Missouri?California 

2. In what state are you probably located if you can see both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean? Florida

3. What is the capital of Georgia, the state known as the "Peach State"?Atlanta

4. What state is due north of Hawaii? Alaska

5. On a map, what does the symbol of a blue line usually represent? a river

6. What are the only two continents totally north of the equator? North America, Europe

7. Name the four oceans of the world? Artic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific

8. What ocean borders Florida on three sides? Atlantic

D.O.G. Week 6

D.O.G Week 6

1. Which is larger in land area, China or Russia? Russia

2. What natural feature forms Arkansas' eastern border? Mississippi River

3. What is the city. located on the Hudson River, that is the capital of the state of New York? Albany

4. What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres? equator

5. Which state would have a warmer climate, Montana or Florida? Why?Florida

6. What two oceans touch the continent of Europe? Atlantic, Arctic

7. Look at a map and find an island. Now write a definition of an island. A body of land completely surrounded by water.

8. The following are four of the largest countries in the world: Russia, Canada, China, United States. What country, located in South America, also ranks as one of the ten largest? Brazil

Spelling Test 8/28/15

Mrs. Rhonda Gross

Test Friday

5th &6th Grade Spelling



1.    breath

2.    wobble

3.    blister

4.    crush

5.    direct

6.    promise

7.    grasp

8.    numb

9.    hymn

10. shovel

11. gravity

12. frantic

13. swift

14. feather

15. comic

16. bundle

17. solid

18. weather

19. energy

20. stingy

21. instruct

22. distress

23. summit

24. massive

25. physical





Monday – ABC Order

Tuesday-   Write a sentence with each word.

Wednesday- Paragraph with 10 or more words.

Thursday- Write words 5 times each.


D.O.G. Week 5

1.What three states come together where the Ohio River joins the Mississippi River? Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri

2. What is the capital of Kentucky, the state known for its bluegrass? Frankfort

3. What ocean could you go swimming in if you were in California? Pacific Ocean

4. On a map, what do the black dots and dashes between the states usually represent? Borders or boundaries

5. What three bodies of water border South America? Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea

6. What is the capital of South Carolina? Columbia

7. What four Great Lakes touch the state of Michigan? Superior, Erie, Michigan, Huron

8. Which of the four oceans does not touch the continent of North America? Indian

D.O.G. WEEK 22

Week 22

1. How many states in the United States border the Gulf of Mexico? 5

2. Through which state does the Arctic Circle pass? Alaska

3. What ocean would you have to cross if you wanted to travel from Africa to India? Indian

4. On what island do you find the capital of Hawaii? Oahu

5. About half of Canada's coastlines are on what ocean? Arctic

6. What is the capital of Nevada? Carson City

7. Which state would probably have the warmest temperatures year round, Missouri or Mississippi? Mississippi, closer to the equator

8. In what hemisphere can you find the Rock of Gibraltar, the Northern or Southern? Northern

D.O.G. Week 20

D.O.G. Week 20

1. The Panama Canal connects what two bodies of water? Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean

2. What group of small islands forms the long tail of Alaska? Aleutian

3. Which continent has the larger land area, South America or Africa? Africa

4. Which capital city in South America is not on a coast: Caracas, Georgetown, or Santiago? Santiago (Chile)

5. The Arctic Ocean touches what three continents? Europe, North America, Asia

6. What body of water separates the tiny finger of Mexico from mainland Mexico? Gulf of California

7. What part of a map will usually tell you about direction? Compass rose

8. What is the capital of Honduras? Tegucigalpa



D.O.G.Week 19

1. San Diego, California, is in what part of California? Southwest corner

2. How many symbols for capital cities are there on a map of the USA? 51

3. In what part of Missouri is its capital city located? Central

4. What country borders Mexico to the north and what 2 countries border it to the south? USA; Guatemala, Belize

5. What direction is the capital of Texas from the capital OF Oklahoma? 

4th GRADE  Chapter 5 Review

4th GRADE  Chapter 5 Review  4/9/15

  1. The biggest battle at Point Pleasant was Lord Dunmore's War. 

  1. People came to the New World for more rights or freedoms.  

  1. Daniel Boone helped to build the Wilderness Road and Fort Boonesborough.  

  1. During the French and Indian War the French and English fought for control of the colonies.  

  1. colony 

  1. poverty 

  1. pioneer 

  1. conflict 

  1. treaty 

  1. James Harrod was a hunter and farmer who befriended Indians.  

  1. The first white people to explore KY was long hunters.  

  1. KY was part of Virginia State.  

  1. Mary Draper Ingles escaped from the Shawnee.  

  1. Thomas Walker helped to survey Kentucky's southern border. 

  1.  Know the route of Christopher Columbus and John Cabot 

  1. Christopher Columbus was first to the New World. 

  2. Frontier life was not easy. Everything was made by hand. Examples include farming, growing crops, chopping wood, sewing, making toys, and soap.  

    1. European explorers came to America and Native Americans were already here.

The Dog Newspaper

Test 3/20/15      5-6th

The Dog Newspaper


1.       duties

2.       earlier

3.       loveliest

4.       denied

5.       ferries

6.       sunnier

7.       terrified

8.       abilities

9.       dirtier

10.   scariest

11.   trophies

12.   cozier

13.   enemies

14.   iciest

15.   greediest

16.   drowsier

17.   victories

18.   horrified

19.   memories

20.   strategies

Challenge words

21.   unified

22.   dictionaries

23.   boundaries

24.   satisfied

25.   tragedies


Monday= ABC order

Tues. = Write a sentence with each word.

Wed. =Write a paragraph with at least 10 words.

Thursday =Write spelling words 5 times each. STUDY!

Friday= TEST


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