Rhonda Gross
Journeys: Off and Running

Journeys: Off and Running

1. control

2. mighty

3. slight

4. apply

5. odor

6. dough

7. strike

8. thrown

9. stroll

10. groan

11. silent

12. sign

13. spider

14. compose

15. brighten

16. define

17. reply

18. height

19. approach

20. excite


21. require

22. reproach

23. defy

24. plight

25. opponent

Monday= ABC order

Tues. = Write a sentence with each word.

Wed. =Write a paragraph with at least 10 words.

Thursday =Write spelling words 5 times each. STUDY!

Friday= TEST

Week 11

Week 11

1. Which state has the longest coastline on the Atlantic Ocean? Flordia

2. What is the capital of Ohio? Columbus 

3. Which ocean contains many icebergs? Arctic

4. Through which country in the Western Hemisphere does the Tropic of Cancer pass? Mexico

5. Which Pole is on a continent? south

6. Which states boarder the Pacific Ocean? Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Hawaii

7. Which continents are in both Eastern and Southern Hemispheres?Africa, Australia, Asia, Antarctica 

8. What do black dots on a map usually represent? cities


Test Thursday 10/24/14

 5- 6th  Spelling Test

Thursday 10/23/14

  1. breath
  2. wobble
  3. blister
  4. crush
  5. direct
  6. promise
  7. grasp
  8. numb
  9. hymn
  10. shovel
  11. gravity
  12. frantic
  13. swift
  14. feather
  15. comic
  16. bundle
  17. solid
  18. weather
  19. energy
  20. stingy

Monday=Write a sentence with each word.

Tuesday=Paragraph with 10 or more words

Wednesday= Write words 5 times each.



D.O.G. Week 9

Test Monday the 20th

1. What is the capital of Alaska, the only state that touches two oceans? Juneau

2. What does a map's scale show? distance

3. As you get_____ to the equator, temperatures usually get_________. closer, warmer

4. Which ocean borders Russia to the north? Arctic Ocean

5. What are the names of the five great lakes? Superior, Erie, Michigan, Huron, Ontario

6. What is the capital of Washington? Olympia

7. Which two oceans meet at the southern tip of South America? Pacific and Atlantic

8. Which hemisphere has more land, the Eastern or Western? Eastern




SPelling Test 10/9/14

Unit 1 Lesson 1

Mrs. Rhonda Gross





1.                       specialty

2.                       disturbing

3.                       collapsed

4.                       squashing

5.                       shifted

6.                       numb

7.                       staggered

8.                       struggled

9.                       wobbled

10.              interrupted

Monday – Write a sentence with each word.

Tuesday-   Paragraph with 10 or more words.

Wednesday- Write words 5 times each.

Thursday- Test





Daily Oral Geography

1. What is the capital of the state whose neighbors are Canada, Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts? Concord

2. The many islands that stretch from Florida to Venezuela? West Indies 

3. Most continents are divided into countries, and countries are often  divided into states. How are some of the United States then divided?

Into counties

4. What is the difference between a strait and an isthmus? A strait connects bodies of water and an isthmus connects landmasses

5. What is the longest north-south river in the United States? Mississippi

6.Name the capital of South Dakota. Pierre

7. What direction is Spain from France? South

8. Is the state of Hawaii north or south of the equator? North

Maggie Marmelstein For President 6-20

Maggie Marmelstein For President

Chapter 6-20 vocabulary

Test Friday 9-12


1.    refusal

2.    collect

3.    major

4.    reveal

5.    optimistic

6.    border

7.    peek

8.    fatal

9.    anonymous

10.                       destination

11.                       rival

12.                       consult

13.                       supernatural

14.                       corridors

15.                       solution

16.                       unanimous

17.                       token

18.                       juvenile

19.                       intentions

20.                       assassination


Monday write a sentence with each word.

Tuesday write a paragraph (at least 7 sentences) with 10 spelling words.

Wednesday put words in ABC order.

Thursday write spelling words 5 times each. Study!

Friday TEST



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